PivotTable Text Values Alternative

One limitation of a traditional PivotTable is that we aren’t able to place text fields into the values layout area. Well, technically we can, but we get a count rather than seeing the text value. In this post, I’ll demonstrate an alternative way to display text values that uses Power Query (instead of a PivotTable). Depending on the type of report you are building, this may be a nice option.

Objective – PivotTable with Text Values

Before we get to the details, let’s review our goal.

We have exported some data from our system. In this illustration, it is a list of our Clients along with the Staff assigned to do each type of Tax Return. It looks like this:

Text values in data source table

We would like to view it in a way that is easier to read. So, we would like one row per client and one column for each type of tax return. We want to see the assigned staff person in the report. Our goal is to see something like this:

Text values in report, similar to a PivotTable

One option that comes to mind is using a PivotTable. So, we use the Insert > PivotTable command. Then, we insert Client into the Rows area, Return into the Columns area, and Staff into the Values area. The resulting PivotTable looks like this:

PivotTable displays the count of the number of rows rather than the text values

We see the number 1 in the cells where we want to see the staff initials. When we inspect the Values field, we see it has defaulted to Count:

PivotTable defaults to count

We use the drop-down to see if there are any other Value Field Settings we can use, and we see Min and Max and are filled with hope:

We can change the aggregate PivotTable function to Max or Min

So we try Max and drats … we still do not see the staff initials:

PivotTable displays 0 for text values placed in the report

One option here is to stick with a PivotTable, but use the data model and write a measure using the CONCATENATEX DAX function. This is a very cool option that we can use to display text values in a PivotTable and it enables us to join together a string of comma-separated values if needed. Depending on the format of your report and data, that option may be a great fit. More info here.

But, in our case, we only have one staff per client return. So, let’s explore an option that requires only a couple of mouse clicks and uses Power Query instead of a PivotTable.

Walkthrough – Alternative to PivotTable with Text Values

We will create the desired report in three steps:

  • Get data into Power Query
  • Pivot Transformation
  • Load to Excel

Let’s walk through these steps one by one.

Get data into Power Query

First we need to get the data into Power Query. We can do this by selecting the data table and clicking Data > From Sheet (or depending on your version of Excel, Data > From Table/Range.) The data is pulled into the Power Query editor:

Power Query retrieves the source data

With the data in Power Query, it is time for our next step.

Pivot Transformation

Next, we select the column that contains the values we want to use as our column headers. This is the same field we would put into the Columns layout area of a PivotTable. In our case, we want one column for each value in the Return column, so we select the Return column.

We then click Transform > Pivot Column. In the resulting Pivot Column dialog, we select Staff as the Values Column because it contains the values we want displayed.

Now, the next setting is important and is different than the way a PivotTable works.

Next, we click Advanced options > Maximum (or Minimum) in order to display the text value instead of the default Count:

We Pivot the headers column, and select Max

With a PivotTable, if we use Max or Min on a text value, 0 is displayed. HOWEVER with Power Query, the maximum or minimum text value is displayed (think of it as sorting, and then picking the first or last in the list). We can also use the Don’t Aggregate option when there are not multiple values. Since we only have one unique text value per client return, we are good with Max, Min, or Don’t Aggregate. (If we had multiple staff per client return, Don’t Aggregate will return an error, and so we’ll need to perform additional transformations … and I’ll talk about that in an upcoming post.)

So, we click OK and bam:

Power Query DOES show the max of a text value (unlike a PivotTable)

Yes … it worked! All that remains is to get the data back into Excel.

Load to Excel

To get the data back into Excel, we click Home > Close & Load To … and we send it to a Table in an existing or new sheet. Bam:

The report is sent back to Excel and it shows the text values as desired

Yay … we did it! And the good news is that if our source data values change, or new client returns are added or assigned, we can simply right-click the green results table and select Refresh. It will instantly update with any changes.


The key to this technique is that we use the Min or Max aggregate function in the Pivot Column transformation. It is important to note because it is different from the way PivotTables work.

Oh … one more thing … using Min/Max in Power Query also works with the Group By transformation.

If you have any thoughts or suggestions, please share by posting a comment below … thanks!

Notes: in addition to using the Pivot Column transformation, Power Query can also Unpivot columns as shown in this post.

Sample File

Jeff Lenning

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  1. Jon Acampora on September 29, 2021 at 10:55 am

    Very cool solution, Jeff! I’ve always used the “Don’t Aggregate” option for this and I didin’t know that Min or Max would would as well.

    • Jeff Lenning on September 30, 2021 at 11:49 am

      Thanks Jon! When I noticed that Power Query Min/Max work on text values, I tripped out! So, just wanted to talk about it in case it would be helpful 🙂

  2. Peter Gulstad on September 29, 2021 at 2:56 pm

    Hi Jeff,

    Could we not also use “Don’t Aggregate” instead of MIN/MAX? To me this makes more sense since we are not going to do any math operation.

    Kind regards,

    • Jeff Lenning on September 30, 2021 at 11:52 am

      Yes, absolutely, and thank you! When there aren’t multiple values … all is good. When there are multiple values, Don’t Aggregate returns an error in PQ and then send an empty cell to Excel … but I have a post planned for next week to address one way to handle that situation 🙂

  3. Lilian Medina-Taboada on September 29, 2021 at 9:33 pm

    Thanks for sharing this technique. I just manually modified the type [Client] to [Return] under Transform.

  4. Tatiana Petkova on September 30, 2021 at 1:05 am

    It’s great, really!

  5. Jorge W. Rosero on October 6, 2021 at 2:08 pm


  6. Rick on July 31, 2023 at 11:23 am

    your comment
    (If we had multiple staff per client return, Don’t Aggregate will return an error, and so we’ll need to perform additional transformations … and I’ll talk about that in an upcoming post.)

    this is the situation I have… can you post link to upcoming post?

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