Match Text Patterns with REGEX
Hello and welcome to an exciting dive into the world of Regular Expressions (regex) in Excel! Today, we’re going to explore three powerful new functions in Excel: REGEXTEST
. If you’re not familiar with regex, don’t worry—we’ll start from the basics and work our way up.
Note: these are new functions and are not available in all Excel versions.
What is Regex?
Regex, short for Regular Expressions, is a tool used in many programming languages to identify patterns within text. Recently, Excel introduced three new regex functions that greatly enhance its text processing capabilities.
Please note that regex is a very comprehensive system, and it is far too big to cover in this single post. So, my goal is to demonstrate the new Excel functions with some illustrations that introduce regex and some basic patterns. If these capabilities look like they may be helpful in your workbooks, you’ll definitely want to dig deeper into the pattern syntax.
Function 1: REGEXTEST
function helps you determine if a specific pattern exists within a text string. It returns TRUE
if the pattern is found and FALSE
if it is not.
=REGEXTEST(text, pattern)
Let’s say we have cells in column B, and we’d like to see if they contain any number:
We can write a formula into column C that uses a simple pattern to search for any numeric digit within a cell. For example, we can write the following formula in C10:
=REGEXTEST(B10, "[0-9]")
We can fill this down, and it checks the cell to the left. If there are any digits in the text, it returns TRUE accordingly:
You can also use shorthand notation for digits with \d
=REGEXTEST(A2, "\d")
function extracts text that matches a specified pattern from within a cell.
=REGEXEXTRACT(text, pattern)
Let’s say we have some names and addresses combined in a column:
Suppose we want to extract a full name in the format “Last, First”. We could use FlashFill if this were a one-time project. But, if we prefer a formula-based approach for workbooks we update frequently, we can use regex. Prior to regex, we had access to text functions such as LEFT, RIGHT, MID, FIND, LEN, and so on. But now we have access to regex functions. So, we’ll use REGEXEXTRACT here.
- Pattern Explanation: To match a series of word characters followed by a comma, a space, and another series of word characters, use
\w+, \w+
enclosed in quotes. - Formula:
=REGEXEXTRACT(B11,"\w+, \w+")
We can write the formula into C11 and fill it down:
Let’s say you want to extract street numbers.
- Pattern Explanation: For one or more digits in a row, use
. - Formula:
We write that into D11 and fill it down:
To extract a ZIP code (assuming it’s always 5 digits), you can refine the pattern.
- Pattern Explanation: For a 5-digit number at the end of a string, use
. {5} means a sequence of exactly five numeric digits, and $ means from the end of the text. - Formula:
=REGEXEXTRACT(A2, "\d{5}$")
We write it into E11 and fill it down:
For extracting state abbreviations (assuming they are always two uppercase letters):
- Pattern Explanation: For two uppercase letters, use
. - Formula:
We write it into F11 and fill it down:
function allows you to replace text matching a specific pattern with a new text string.
=REGEXREPLACE(text, pattern, replacement)
Let’s say you want to replace all but the last 4 credit card digits with ****-****-****
- Pattern Explanation: For the pattern, use
. - Formula:
=REGEXREPLACE(A2, "\d+-\d+-\d+", "****-****-****")
Write the formula into C9 and fill it down:
These new regex functions in Excel—REGEXTEST
—open up a world of possibilities for text processing and pattern matching. While this post provides a brief introduction, there are many more patterns and applications you can explore.
Plus, these capabilities are said to be making their way into XLOOKUP, so, imagine performing lookups with the power of regex!
Also, ChatGPT can actually help you write regex syntax, plus there are scores of websites that can help you dig deeper into regex.
Sample File
Q. What is the difference between REGEXTEST
checks if a pattern exists in the text and returns TRUE
retrieves the actual text that matches the pattern.
Q. Can I use regex in older versions of Excel?
Unfortunately no, since new functions are not retroactively installed into legacy versions of Excel.
Q. Can I use these functions with dynamic arrays?
Yes, these functions work with dynamic arrays, allowing for more complex data processing.
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I realize the focal point of this post wasn’t an education in RegEx syntax. However, while the use of names and addresses makes some good examples, they can also be a bit a little misleading or oversimplified to the casual reader if variety isn’t considered. So I’m offering the following just to ensure that readers remember to keep on their thinking caps because successful use of RegEx hinges largely on the pattern.
For example, the “\w+, \w+” pattern won’t catch multipart of hyphenated names, whereas a pattern like “^.+?, .+?(?= \d)” could cover a broader range of possibilities. The ^ ensures the match occurs at the beginning of the string — in case there are ever commas separating street/city/state — and the (?= \d) expects a space and number to come after the name without including it in the match, which is known as a positive lookahead.
The “[A-Z]{2}” pattern could get fooled by abbreviations in a street name like NE Colonial Drive and return an NE that could be confused as Nebraska instead of Northeast. A pattern like “[A-Z]{2}(?= \d{5})” would expect that abbreviation to be followed by a space and five digits.
Using “\d+” for the street number only works because REGEXEXTRACT returns just the first match by default — i.e. it technically matches the zip code as well but doesn’t automatically offer it up. Something like “\d+(?= )” expects a space after those digits.
And if a nine digit zip were possible, then “\d{5}(-\d{4})?$” would be more versatile than “\d{5}$” by allowing for an optional hyphen followed by four digits.
There are certainly other patterns that could be used, some that are probably even better than these. As I said, the most important thing is to consider the variations that could exist in the text and account for as many of them as possible in the pattern.
Thank you!