Creating a 4-4-5 Financial Calendar

We all love Excel, don’t we? But it’s just not that simple when it comes to creating a 4-4-5 Financial Calendar! Got questions about how it’s done? You’re not alone! Today, we will walk you through the creation of a 4-4-5 (4 weeks, 4 weeks, and 5 weeks) calendar in Excel. By the end of this tutorial, you will have the functions needed to build a fully functional 4-4-5 financial calendar in Excel.

So, What is a 4-4-5 Calendar?

Before diving into the action, let’s understand our goal. A 4-4-5 financial calendar is adopted by some corporations for financial management and reporting. In a 4-4-5 calendar, every quarter consists of 13 weeks with two 4-week months and a 5-week month. This helps make comparisons consistent, can simplify financial reporting, and can streamline operational and financial planning. We can build one in Excel with just a few functions.

Note: the functions presented below are not available in all Excel versions.

Let’s Get Started

For creating a 4-4-5 financial calendar, we’ll use the following:

  • SEQUENCE function
  • Date formatting
  • Defined names

We’ll talk through each of these by working through three exercises.

Exercise 1: Let’s Get Warmed-Up

Before we jump right into the application of these features, let’s discuss each briefly.

  • SEQUENCE: The SEQUENCE function generates a series of numbers in rows, columns, or both. For instance, if we want a sequence that spans 4 rows, 7 columns, starts at the number 100, and increments each value by 2, we could use SEQUENCE(4,7,100,2).
  • Date Formatting: This determines how dates are displayed in Excel. There are many options, and we can use custom format codes in the Format Cells dialog such as ddd to display the 3-letter day name abbreviation. Many additional custom codes are supported, just check the Excel help system for more.
  • Defined Names: This feature allows us to name cells for easy reference in formulas. We can define a name for a cell by selecting the cell and typing the desired name into the Name Box (the box just to the left of the formula bar). When we name a cell like this, we can refer to that cell in our formula with its defined name instead of the traditional A1-style cell reference.

With the high-level description complete, let’s dig into the details of each and see how we can combine them to create a dynamic 4-4-5 calendar.

Exercise 2: Creating the Headers

We’ll start by entering the start date of our calendar. That way, the user can enter any starting date into a cell and all of the formulas will update accordingly.

While the step of naming this cell isn’t strictly necessary, it just makes things a bit easier when writing formulas. So, we select that cell, type in our desired name into the Name Box (avoiding spaces and funky characters), and hit Enter. We’ll use fy_start:

With our cell named, let’s create the calendar column labels with the SEQUENCE function.

We want to create a sequence of numbers that spans 1 row, 7 columns, and starts with the fy_start date, so we use the following:


We hit Enter, and bam:

Now, let’s apply a custom date format to that range so that the cell displays the three-letter day name abbreviation. So, we can use the Ctrl+1 keyboard shortcut to open the Format Cells dialog box. We click Custom and enter ddd:

We hit OK to apply the formatting, and bam:

With our column labels complete, let’s create the calendar.

Exercise 3: Calendar

Now let’s create our Month 1 dates. Remember, in a 4-4-5 calendar, the first month has 4 weeks. Thus, we can use another SEQUENCE function that spans 4 rows, 7 columns, and starts with fy_start. We can use the following formula:


We apply the desired date format to the resulting range, and bam:

We use the same technique to generate sequences for the second and third months, and we start the SEQUENCE function on the date of the prior month end date + 1. The only difference for the third month is that we use five rows instead of four.

We can continue the above operations for the subsequent quarters until the calendar for the entire fiscal year is prepared.

Now, the user can change the fiscal year start date, and all months are instantly updated!


Hopefully, this guide simplifies the process of creating a 4-4-5 financial calendar in Excel. These steps can help you build a specialized calendar tailored perfectly for financial reporting.

If you have any alternatives, questions, or enhancements, please share by posting a comment below … thanks!

Sample File


What is a 4-4-5 financial calendar?

A 4-4-5 financial calendar is a specialized calendar employed by firms for financial reporting, with each quarter consisting of 13 weeks divided into two 4-week months and a 5-week month.

What is the SEQUENCE function in Excel?

The SEQUENCE function in Excel generates a series of numbers spanning over specified rows and columns.

How to define names in Excel?

Defining names in Excel can be done by selecting a particular cell and typing into the Name Box located just above the cells to the left of the formula bar.

How to format date in Excel?

In Excel, date formatting can be done by right-clicking on a cell with a date, select Format Cells, then Date, and choosing a preferred format.

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Jeff Lenning

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