Excel Speed Challenge

Learn the secrets to becoming an Excel power user in just 45 minutes

Registration Information

Free Registration: Open

Challenge begins: Monday

Do you know there are tons of hidden Microsoft Excel tricks and hacks that can save you loads of time? Take the FREE Excel Speed Challenge and:

  • Unlock a whole new world in just 45 minutes
  • Say goodbye to late nights and long hours of struggling with spreadsheets
  • Blaze through tasks within minutes (not hours)

Time-strapped Excel users, your ticket to freedom has arrived! Unlock your Microsoft Excel superpowers here 🙂

Free Speed Challenge Square 640

top 10

Additional Information

  • Beginner? No worries! Get immediate access to my Excel crash course for beginners and you'll be ready for the challenge!
  • Excel for Windows is recommended; Excel for Mac is supported.
  • The goal: if you spend less than an hour total by watching five short Excel videos, you'll learn Excel skills that will help you save at least an hour per week going forward.
  • Topic Schedule
    • Monday - FlashFill
    • Tuesday - Tables
    • Wednesday - PivotTables
    • Thursday - Power Query
    • Friday - Apply these skills in a single workbook
  • Watch the videos as time permits (there is no deadline).
  • Excel is a big place and I learn stuff about it all the time. When I do, I talk about it. So, after the challenge, I'll send you a weekly Excel tips email with my latest articles and videos so you can continue learning Excel right along with me 🙂
  • CPA? This challenge is not offered for CPE credit (but we do offer other training programs that provide CPE).
  • Taught by Jeff Lenning CPA, Microsoft Excel MVP.