Save an Hour a Week with these 16 Time Hacks

Meet and Defeat the 4 Enemies of Efficiency

Webinar Handouts

Webinar Notes

  • Click the Play button to watch now
  • Use video controls to go full screen, pause, etc.
  • Presented by Jeff Lenning CPA
  • Not offered for CPE credit
  • Webinar is about 45 minutes
Webinar available until:

Training Passes

Learn how to use Excel to save time with our Training Passes (Campus Pass / CPE Pass for CPAs).

top 10

Training Passes: What You Get

We offer two Training Passes: our Campus Pass and our CPE Pass (which is designed for CPAs who want to earn 124 CPE). Both passes include:

Access to the on-demand videos and files so you can pause, rewind, and change video playback speed.

  • Plus Live Office Hours for support
  • Practice files
  • Quizzes
  • Certifications
  • And gamification makes it fun!


Access to Live Calls

Access to our Office Hours so that you can ask questions not only about the training but also about your own workbooks and any other Excel questions.

  • Live Office Hours with Jeff
  • Live Study Halls with our TAs
  • Live Student Advisor meetings


Excel University Certifications

You also have the ability to earn Certifications to place on your LinkedIn or resume/cv by completing all 32 lessons.

  • Excel University Graduate Certification - when you complete the Undergrad lessons
  • Excel University Masters Certification - when you complete the Masters lessons
  • LinkedIn - instructions for adding your certification and requesting a recommendation from me on LinkedIn


Learning Style Optimization

Our lessons are optimized for four common learning styles so you can learn using your preferred format(s).

  • Visual learners - the lessons are taught using pre-recorded lecture videos and demonstrate how to perform each lesson in Excel
  • Auditory learners - the lecture video incorporates the instructor's voice and explanations, plus students have access to live Study Halls and Office Hours for interactive discussions
  • Reading learners - lessons include written narrative and explanations of what is discussed in the video, plus all videos are CC captioned (English)
  • Kinesthetic learners - lessons include hands-on practice exercises specifically designed to demonstrate and reinforce what is taught in the lecture videos


Community & Accountability

Instant access to a community of other Excel users learning and growing just like you. Plus, you can use the scheduled Study Halls as a way to stay accountable to our TAs for making forward progress.

  • Study Halls - put these live events in your schedule to hold you accountable
  • Office Hours - meet with other students on Zoom during Office Hours
  • Student Union - 24/7 access to a community of other Excel users doing exactly what you are doing and learning exactly what you are learning


Choose Your Own Adventure

Chart your own course to success by focusing on topics that are new and important to you (and skipping items that you already know or are not relevant to your work).

  • Lesson Navigation - the basic lesson sequence is designed so you can work through the lessons in order ... but you are free to skip around as desired
  • Gamification - if you choose to play the optional games, they will motivate you to keep making forward progress and offer a fun way to apply what you learned
  • Practice Makes Perfect - use the exercise files to practice what you learn, but since they are not graded or turned in, you can skip the hands-on for topics you already know



Training Passes include:

  • On-demand lessons
  • Live office hours for support
  • Annual subscription
  • Cancel anytime with our hassle-free cancellation link
  • Learn Excel and work faster


Campus Pass

Annual subscription only $480/year

Live office hours

On-demand lessons

For CPAs: 124 CPE Pass

Annual subscription only $620/year

Live office hours

On-demand lessons


Do I have to be at a certain skill level? 

I've intentionally designed the Campus Pass to help Excel users at all levels. Here's how. The lessons proceed in order, starting at the beginning. But, students can skip around to lessons as desired. For example, if you already know VLOOKUP you can skip that video and related exercises.

Will the training be too difficult?

I have implemented everything I learned about teaching Excel over the past decade. And as a result, I use common language to explain concepts rather than trying to make myself sound smart by using techie terms and acronyms. I use everyday plain language to make the technical topics easy to understand. I teach each topic in a specific order so that skills are introduced at exactly the right time (not too early) and each lesson builds on the last. That way, there is nothing introduced that is a difficult surprise.

Which version of Excel is required?

The core skills taught in the undergraduate lessons are available in most Excel versions, including Excel for Windows, Mac, and online. However, the automation skills taught in the masters lessons require a fairly modern version of Excel for Windows that includes Power Query and Power Pivot.

Is it hard to cancel the subscription?

It is easy to cancel. Just login and click Administration > Manage Subscription. You don't need to call anyone. It's all good.

Will I forget about the subscription (and forget to cancel)?

You won't forget that you have a subscription because I will be present in your email inbox delivering weekly Excel articles. So, no ... you won't forget about me, or Excel University, or your subscription.

How much time will it take?

Given that students arrive with different experience levels and goals, it is hard to say for sure. Some students want to watch all videos, complete all exercises, all extra credit exercises, read all text, review all of the additional resources, complete all puzzles and gamification elements, and so on. Whereas some students simply want to watch the videos. I've designed the program so that you can choose your own adventure. You can work through the material as fast or slow as you'd like ... at YOUR own desired pace. It is really up to you.

Can't I just figure all of this out on my own?

Well ... maybe ... but that will take way to long. As Steve Jobs said, Time is our most precious resource. My training program is designed to help you learn Excel in the most efficient and effective possible way.