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Replace 25+ Nested IFs with a Single Simple Lookup

By Jeff Lenning | June 11, 2024 |

I was recently asked the following question: “I have a drop-down with 25+ categories that determines the fee percentage. Can I use an IF function to compute the fee based on the selected category?” I answer this question in this post. Video Objective Let’s begin by understanding the objective and the question. There is an…

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Excel IF Function (and multiple conditions)

By Jeff Lenning | April 25, 2023 |

Do you want to learn how to use Excel’s IF function, including how to consider multiple conditions? If yes, then you have come to the right place! The IF function is one of the most commonly used functions in Excel, and it is essential for data analysis and decision making. In this post, we’ll walk…

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Dollar Unit Sampling

By Jeff Lenning | September 20, 2017 |

This post will demonstrate how to use Excel formulas to determine sample selections based on dollar units. The basic idea is that each dollar is a sampling unit, and as such, this method is more likely to select higher dollar items for testing. This method goes by several names, including monetary unit sampling, dollar unit…

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Bullet Graphs in Excel

By Jeff Lenning | October 27, 2014 |

I recently picked up a copy of Stephen Few’s outstanding book Information Dashboard Design. First of all…wow! If your reports include any type of chart or graph, you owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of this incredible resource. Stephen developed a graph called a Bullet Graph, and in this post, I’ll walk through…

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