How to Make an Excel Dynamic Chart & Keep Updates Consistent

Woman sitting at a desk making an Excel dynamic chart

For the purposes of this discussion, an Excel dynamic chart is a chart that automatically updates itself whenever new data rows are added. The opposite is a static chart, which won’t incorporate any new data rows added to the existing range.

To be clear, when Excel creates a chart based on a range of cells, if the cell values within that range change, both types of charts will update accordingly. However, we are talking about what happens when we add new data rows under the existing range used by the chart. In other words, if we add new data rows, a dynamic chart will dynamically update its range and incorporate the new row values. A static chart won’t.

The Issue We Are Solving

For our data set, we’ll include careers that require Excel skills and document their average national salaries. Let’s say we store this data in an ordinary range, like this:

We select any cell in that range, and use the Insert > Chart command. Excel creates a basic chart like this:

Average salary chart

Later, we want to add one more career. So we type it into a new row under the range, like this:

List of Excel-related jobs with average salaries

When we look at our chart, nothing changed:

Dynamic chart in Excel that shows average salaries

In other words, our new data row was excluded. We’d rather build a chart that dynamically updates its range to include any such new rows.


The Two Ways to Create a Dynamic Chart in Excel

Ultimately, the goal is to tell Excel that the data source is a dynamic range – that way, the chart will automatically update to reflect any additions (and changes) made to the source data.

We’ll look at two ways to accomplish this: using a table or a fancy formula. Using a table is the simplest option and works in most situations, so let’s start with that!

Creating a Dynamic Chart Using a Table

Rather than storing our source data in an ordinary range, we want to store it in a Table. How do we do that? Easy. We simply select any cell within the ordinary range and use the Insert > Table command.

Excel will convert the ordinary range into a Table, and apply some default formatting:

Career and Salary chart

Now, the great thing about Tables is that they auto-expand. So, after we select any cell in the Table we can insert our chart with the Insert > Chart command. Again, we have our basic chart:

Dynamic chart in Excel that shows average salaries

But now, when we type a new value immediately under the Table, the Table automatically expands to include it:

Excel chart that shows average salaries

This time … our chart automatically includes the new row … bam:

Dynamic chart in Excel that shows average salaries

Whenever we add new rows to the Table, our dynamic chart will update automatically!

Creating a Dynamic Chart Using a Formula

The problem with using the table method is that not all versions of Excel have the same capabilities. Creating a dynamic chart in Excel is a little trickier with a formula but still very possible.

The formula will use both the OFFSET and COUNTA functions, so if you’re looking to get some practice with those, a dynamic chart is a great starting point!

This example will use the same data as before, but stored in an ordinary range:

Dynamic chart in Excel that shows average salaries

1. First, create a Named Range by navigating to Formulas on the ribbon and selecting Name Manager.

2. After the Name Manager dialog box pops up, select New.

3. The New Name dialog box will appear. Now enter Salary_Range into the Name field. Then, copy/paste (or type) the formula below in the Refers to box (replace Sheet1 with your worksheet name, $B$2 for your first number cell, and $B:$B for your numbers column).

Salary range menu

4. Hit OK.

5. Select the New command once again. 

6. This time, enter Career_Range in the Name field and insert the following formula in the Refers to section (use your sheet name, and column letter that references the label column):

Career range menu

7. Hit OK.
Once these names are set up, they will dynamically update the ranges they reference. In a bit, we’ll use them in our chart, but, let’s talk about the formulas in more detail first.

What’s Happening in the Formula?

When creating your chart, it helps to know why the above formulas work. The OFFSET function is used in this formula to create a range that automatically changes in height depending on the number of non-empty cells (provided by the COUNTA).

Note that, for this reason, the OFFSET formula will not work properly if your chart has empty cells.

The first argument represented by the OFFSET function is cell $B$2, which is an absolute reference to the starting point of the salary range. That is, the first numeric cell.

We use COUNTA for the height argument. We point it to the column that includes the values we are counting. If our first row in the column includes a header label, such as Career or Average Salary, we exclude it from the chart range by entering -1 to subtract one from the count.

Now, Use Your Named Ranges to Create the Chart

1. Select Insert from the ribbon menu. Then select the chart you’d like to use (this example uses a simple 2D Column Chart).

2. Go to the Chart Design tab and choose Select Data.

3. The Select Data Source dialog box will appear. Under the Legend Entries (Series) section, select the Add button.

4. Type the formula below in the box’s Series values field, then press OK.

Series name dialog box

5. Return to the Select Data Source dialog box. You’ll see Horizontal (Category) Axis Labels in this dialog box. Select Edit button.

6. Another dialog box called Axis Labels will then pop up. Enter the formula below in the Axis label range box and then hit OK.

Axis label range dialog box

Give your chart a title and your dynamic chart is complete!

Dynamic chart in Excel that shows average salaries

Just like before, you can insert additional rows and the chart will update automatically.

In the majority of situations, creating a dynamic chart using a table is more efficient and just as effective as using formulas and named ranges. But, it’s always useful to practice and expand your Excel knowledge along the way.

Sample File

Do you have any additional tips for creating dynamic charts in Excel? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. tony on April 5, 2023 at 3:49 pm

    Thank you!

  2. Martyn on June 23, 2023 at 12:25 pm

    What about if you are using formulas to insert the data? I have 100 rows of data currently. all with formula in them. Lets say only 50 are currently displaying anything and the rest are all blank. How do I create a graph that will only show the 50 populated values? Then if the data updates and I end up with 60 rows, I want the table to obviously show those additional 10 rows. and the same if the number of rows displaying values goes down.

    If it helps, in my example there will be no random blank rows within my data set, the first row will always have data and all data will be presented from row 1 down. All blank rows are at the end of my dataset.

    • momo on August 29, 2023 at 9:21 am

      hello , did you manage to fix this ?

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